Here is a tutorial on how to create models in XLights Nutcracker. I’m setting up my GECE RGB Pixel wreath using 63 pixels. I also show how to use the spread sheet to copy and past pixel data into Nutcracker. … Read More

Here is a tutorial on how to create models in XLights Nutcracker. I’m setting up my GECE RGB Pixel wreath using 63 pixels. I also show how to use the spread sheet to copy and past pixel data into Nutcracker. … Read More
I have assembeled 7 of these controllers already. This controller is different due to the use of a converted computer power supply. The form factor is much larger than a commercially specific power supply that sits much more flat. In… Read More
This is Part 1 of the video. Here, I show you how to assemble an easy DMX 27 channel controller into a plastic box. I have been using these for year with my Light o Rama setup.
This is Part 2 of the video. Here, I show you how to assemble an easy DMX 27 channel controller into a platic box. I have been using these for year with my Light o Rama setup.