UPDATE: 5/1/2015 I went to look at the item on line and saw that this company raised this price to $97. Still a good deal but there are other vendors that were at the $95 price range.

New E1.31 DMX 4 universe bridge. This connects to you ethernet port on your computer and communicates with free software using E1.31 protocol. This bridge has the ability to run the simple/dumb RGB controllers which I've posted in other videos. A maximum of 170 RGB Channels (510 channels total). I will use one of the universes to run my dumb RGB universe for 2015. I also have the option to use the other 3 output to run 3 other DMX pixel controllers. This includes my mega tree pixel star and some ground light pixels. Very good entry price into the RGB display market. Here is the link to the item:


3 thoughts on “$95-$97 DMX 4-Universe E1.31 Bridge”

  1. Hi Clyde,

    I’m new to the Holiday lighting display game, I have been checking out your videos on you tube and here on your site I really appreciate you taking the time to go over some of this stuff and posting links where to purchase some of the needed items. I did however purchase some items from David over at Holiday Coro he’s great too lots of help posting up videos. I’m looking to get some of the 3 and 4 wire weatherproof connectors wondering if you can help with a link as to where I can pick these up cheaper than Holiday Coro? If you don’t mind I’d like to reach out to you from time to time as I don’t quite understand the communication process between the computer and the actual E1.31 controllers I can understand the wiring aspect being I’m an electrician and understand why power injection and such programming is going to be my issue anyway I thank you for taking the time in reading my post and hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Thanks for visiting Robert. I usually stick with Ray Wu and his waterproof connectors. Here are some of the links you may be looking for:

      4 core connectors

      3 core connectors

      If you go to Ray’s store and search only in his store for 13.5mm 3core or 4core connectors, you’ll find he has a large selection to chose from. I prefer the longer female connectors for building new controllers in enclosures. I like the short connectors for use on pixels and dumb RGB sets.

      E1.31 is not complected once you get to working with it. RGB, DMX, and E1.31 is all kind of fuzzy when it comes to NOT having anything in front of you. Once you get your hands on it and begin playing with it, well, it becomes easier.

      I have a secret FaceBook group where we teach and help people through setting up their RGB Display. I know how intimidating it can be to be on the forums and other groups. My group is small and very clean-cut. I welcome you to join me on Facebook.com/leechburglights and send me a message there as well. I can add you to the group if you like.

      Chat soon

      Clyde Lindsey
      Leechburg Lights

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