There’s so much to help you up your game and hobby in this detailed hands-on video tutorial. Including cost implications, where to start, and other details…
You will learn about:
- Home Design Basics
- Beginner Pixel Counts
- Project Costs
- Over-the-top
Design Elements of Holiday Lighting:
- Roof Outlines
- Windows
- Vertical Outlines
- House Elements
- Yard Elements
- Flying or Suspended Props
Design features:
- Rooflines
- Windows
- Doors
- Columns/Vertical lines
- Yard boarders
- Supporting frames
- Siding skirt/ground line
Accessory items; controller and installations
Cost implications for:
- Props
- Controller and power suppliers
- Controller build, supplies, materials
- Pixel extension cords
- Controller extensions
- Waterproof connectors
- Pixel strings
- Zip ties
- Mounting hardware
- Caulking/Paint
- Soldering iron/solder/heat shrink/heat gun
- Raspberry Pi/SD Cards
You will also learn how to balance your design elements, and not get over the board. And more!

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